8 research outputs found

    Guaranteed optimal reachability control of reaction-diffusion equations using one-sided Lipschitz constants and model reduction

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    We show that, for any spatially discretized system of reaction-diffusion, the approximate solution given by the explicit Euler time-discretization scheme converges to the exact time-continuous solution, provided that diffusion coefficient be sufficiently large. By "sufficiently large", we mean that the diffusion coefficient value makes the one-sided Lipschitz constant of the reaction-diffusion system negative. We apply this result to solve a finite horizon control problem for a 1D reaction-diffusion example. We also explain how to perform model reduction in order to improve the efficiency of the method

    Guaranteed control synthesis for continuous systems in Uppaal Tiga

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    We present a method for synthesising control strategies for continuous dynamical systems. We use Uppaal Tiga for the synthesis in combination with a set-based Euler method for guaranteeing that the synthesis is safe. We present both a general method and a method which provides tighter bounds for monotone systems. As a case-study, we synthesize a guaranteed safe strategy for a simplified adaptive cruise control application. We show that the guaranteed strategy is only slightly more conservative than the strategy generated in the original adaptive cruise control paper which uses a discrete non guaranteed strategy. Also, we show how reinforcement learning may be used to obtain optimal sub-strategies